Mike Robinson - Author. True Dynamics of Life excerpts for press kit

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The True Dynamics of Life

Selected Excerpts

Question Life Even When It’s Going Well

Many people only question life, the universe, God, etc., when things become problematic. When we are materially comfortable and there is plenty of everything and a feeling of being on top of the world, we say how great life is and we do not probe deeply enough into the recesses of our being.  Yes, we may do charity work, or donate our unwanted things, but we do not really go inside and question exactly who we are.  The second life throws us a challenge, or we are struggling to survive, we curse the heavens in despair and say, ‘Why me?’  Humans have the habit of only questioning the reason for living when their very existence is being challenged and when life is no longer fulfilling their desires.

A Solution Is Needed To The Vast Problem Of Human Suffering

Politics, religion and wealth have not answered the human cry of desperation, as people are dying every day from famine, disease, and neglect. War is rife across the world, as is crime, and we are besieged with contradictory beliefs and the suffering we cause each other is astronomical. We have put our faith and trust into politics, religion, etc., in order to better the state of man, but still the endless bout of pain continues.  Who is going to help us?  Who is going to sort out the mess we have created?

Help Needed

The human being is crying for release, so what would it take for us to all start again?  We cannot expect this of others; we can only ask it from ourselves.  The question is, do we really want it? Is the passion for the truth deep enough?  Is it said that we as a human race, have suffered for thousands of years and still we have learned nothing.

Big Change Needed

If we could stop and drop all that is not working and start again, would we put a different way of living in place?  What would the new way involve?  It would be pointless just dealing with one country because the problem is global.  So you would have to work on the world as a whole.  There are three major aspects on this planet-humans, environment, and nature, and each one of these needs a serious amount of healing, because humans have worked against the natural flow of things…Can the world at present drop everything to become one?  Or would people still hold onto their customs, their religions, their power and their wealth, because it is these divisions that keep society working in the same vein as it always has.

We’re Responsible For The World

We have to stop and accept the responsibility for global starvation, the water shortages, the mass pollution, the mass waste and the complete separation from each other. We are totally out of balance and fallible and the government as a whole is too far removed from those at the bottom who are dying from the carnage of disease and famine.  If there was such a thing as unity of man, would you allow anyone to die from lack of food or clean water? Would the prime minister or president of that country allow his/her own child to die this way?  Would s/he allow his daughter to be sold into prostitution and his son get caught up in gang warfare?  Anyone with love in their heart would not have this happen to their children, so why do we allow it to happen others?  What in the system is not working? Let’s be honest.  What is the fundamental reason why we, as individuals and as a society, allow another human being to suffer? What do we get out of it? What is the pay-off?

Second-Hand Living

We are asking if there is something inside of you which has not been touched by the mind or by beliefs and conditioning.  Is there something beyond all of this, or are we born just to be filled up with language, habits, and patterns in order to die? What would be the point in that?  Or are we afraid to truly live as our real self, letting our self becoming complacent with just a description of life and following that description, calling it law, order, society, etc?  We live short-hand lives because we conform to rules around us and we accept all that is told to us.  We have become trapped by these rules and we deny our self the freedom to enquire and find out for our self.

Becoming Free

When you can accept yourself for who you are without trying to be a ‘somebody’ in the eyes of humanity, then, you have let go of your ego.  Only an ego would make a person a somebody or its opposite, a ‘nobody’. Your descriptive labels are not who you are, they are what you have become, so don’t judge yourself and others on the value of a label.  Instead, allow the true you to emerge, because when you are not attached to any descriptive label, you are free.

Religion Is Failing Us

The second you choose to become part of a belief or a system, you have immediately become separated from all those outside of this belief. Religion does not unite the world, it separates it, and anything that separates is not an act of love. Ask yourself if this is true.  If religion united people, then why is there a terrorist war or why is Islam at war with the Jews, and the Hindus?  If each religion is the so-called way to God in order to become enlightened, then why do so few people make it?  Would an enlightened person kill another human being?  Or is it just a system of elitism? Religion is not working because if it were we would all be God-realized beings on this planet, working in harmony with each other and with nature.  In fact, we are nowhere near to reaching this concept.  Historically, religion has helped us to separate and divide families, towns, cities, countries, nations and ultimately the world.  People die and kill over their beliefs.

The Stopping Point

Suppose everyone in the world were to be shown clearly that both the cause of, and the solution to, the chaos in humanity lay within themselves, would they act upon this realization, or would they continue in the world ways? Awareness is the key.  Awareness is inner action, which leads to outer action and brings about the change.  It is up to each individual to develop awareness.  There is no book of instructions, no special technique of how to ‘do’ this.  Awareness is not ‘doing’, it is pure ‘being’.

What Holds Us Back

There are three traps in humanity that bind the eternal being to the material world and you have to decide if you want to come under the control of any of these traps.  This does not mean you rebel in anger, or you set out to change the world by force, etc.  It is something you look at and see for yourself, about yourself, and you catch yourself through observing your mind, your desires and your fears.  Can you see how mind, religion and society are controlling you, and ultimately, this planet?

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