Mike Robinson - Author. Press kit Is it Time for a Revolution?

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The True Dynamics of Life Book
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It Is Time For A Revolution!

The world is in a state of chaos and national governments, organized religion, and society are responsible for the billions of people suffering from war, famine, poverty, and disease, asserts author Mike Robinson in his new, eye-opening book, The True Dynamics of Life.

“For deep healing to take place,” writes Robinson, “every single human would have to drop their conditioning and let go of their belief systems. There would be no separate nationality; you would be one individual in the total human family.  This planet does not belong to anyone; it is for all of us to live here.  To separate it into segments and have a war with another segment because they do things differently is ludicrous.”

Robinson explores whether the world can drop everything to become one unified people.  The challenge is great, as people will try to hold onto customs, religions, their power and their wealth. But these divisions, says Robinson, are what keeps society divided, fractured and broken.

The crucial issue is government.  Robinson writes:  “They would have to drop their separate parties and end their bickering.  A party leader fights only for the group’s beliefs, yet they state how they are here to help all people.  No, they are here to help some people.  It is an elitist act.  The whole workings of the government have been built on division, arguing greed, opposition, deceit and corruption, yet still the public vote them in.  Why?  If there was an election and no one voted, what would happen?  What if the public joined together and said, ‘No’ to the government, what would happen?  The government exists because we let it and it starts with each individual.”

Robinson details in his book the many drawbacks to society and government but leaves his strongest criticism for the role religion has played in the world’s self-destruction.  He writes:  “Religion is responsible for millions of deaths worldwide over thousands of years.  Documented history describes the brutal murders, of those people who refused to convert to various religious orders, yet people still have faith in the power of such institutions.  Only a human mind could create something so vile.  Would that be an act of love?  Murder is not an act of love.  How can religion portray itself to be based on a foundation of love if it is the cause of so much violence, or is it in fact, built on manipulation and hierarchy?  It is one of the richest businesses on this planet and it manufacturers the illusion that people need an intermediary to reach God.”

Robinson asks for each of us to raise our awareness about how the world currently operates.  He wants us to question and analyze if we really benefit from the way things are structured today.  He explores deep issues about the pillars of society and leaves you asking if it’s time for a revolution of thought and mind, time for each of us to tear down the destructive and limiting barriers we’ve taken for granted.

“If you’re ready to change, the world will follow,” concludes Robinson. 

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